© 2022 Nick Hems Style. All Rights Reserved.

Your Frequently Asked Questions

I have answered all the common questions I come across client-wise, from before speaking for the first time till after we’ve spent some time together.

For anything else, please do WhatsApp me contact me by clicking below.

Personal Shopping

The majority of my shops take place in London. I have a working relationship with Harvey Nichols, Harrods and Selfridges and I find using department stores like these tends to get the most out of a shopping trip. However, I also work with a number of other shops and independent brands around the UK. Our shop will always be determined by your needs. I have done a lot of high street shopping around the UK also and varying budgets will have a role to play in where I recommend also.

As a wise person once told me, ‘the best things happen outside your comfort zone’. All my services offer a free consultation prior to them so we can get to know each other a bit better and make sure there is a fit.

I will work with you on the day and don’t have a prefixed way of doing things. My aim isn’t to get you looking fashionable, it is to help you establish your own style and be comfortable with it.

Anything we do will be an education, and you will learn a lot you can put into practise at any time in the future. Why not ring me for a chat, we can always discuss any concerns!

This may not be different from EVERYONE, but I am more of an everyday stylist. If you are looking to build a wardrobe that works for your everyday life and takes into account your lifestyle and desires we should definitely talk. We can talk everything from simple style elevation to complete style overhaul and everything in between. My primary goal isn’t to get you into specific ‘fashion brands’ or keep you up to date with ever evolving trends, however you can ask.

It does depend on where we shop, however a good median would be somewhere between £2,500-£5,000 on a single shop. I have worked with clients that have spent less and been really happy with their returns as well as others that have spent more than that on a single investment piece item. It really depends on your priorities and goals and obviously what you are prepared to invest. Our discovery call can help a lot in determining where we may end up budget wise.

It’s entirely possible we won’t. If there are any items of clothing that we have been looking for but unable to find on the shop (i.e. a belt which is common) I will shop for them online and send you a link to the items within a week of our shop.

A standard shopping trip is 3 hours, however you can upgrade this to a full day which gives you up to 5 hours (it is entirely possible to fit in more locations to the shop this way.

No, you should talk to me now and let’s discuss what you are going through currently so we can formulate a plan. There are various ways to start your styling journey, but if we take weight loss for an example here, you are always better off dressing for your physique now, as opposed to what you want to look like in for example a couple of months’ time. I don’t believe in styling people towards a place where they are not presently at. It doesn’t benefit you immediately and it can also have a negative and not positive impact on motivating you towards where you want to go.

The experience you will have with me is completely unlike going shopping myself or with partner/friend. I the majority of my shops we use private shopping suites, so you won’t be in and out of changing rooms and surrounded by other people.

Secondly when you turn up your items are already preselected and ready to try on. Again with most of my shops we can get refreshments served to the room, which is included, so you can afford to relax and know you won’t be rushed and we can choose only the items you love or would like to be guided towards.

Depending on your location, some shops will offer a pickup service, or items can be sent back in the post or exchanged in this way. Just let me know what you wish to do, and I can arrange everything for you.

This is just as a big investment into getting your time back as anything else, which many of my client’s value above everything else. Not just because I can do your clothes shopping for you, but also because you shortcut the process of knowing what looks good on, and the reasons why.

I’ll talk to you about the key reasons to set up a capsule wardrobe, what it looks like and how it save you loads of time planning out your outfits. You might also save a lot of money against poor choices of clothing when you do go shopping, clothes that struggle to work with the rest of your wardrobe or just seem to be one off pieces, hardly ever to be worn again.

Wardrobe Edit

There are a number of benefits to us going through your existing wardrobe first

  • Clearing out the clutter before adding new pieces
  • Working out where the gaps are in your existing wardrobe
  • Identifying some of the things that may not be working for you day to day
  • Ensuring all your existing clothes fit you correctly and pointing out what alterations could be made to them to make them work better for you
  • Help to create outfits out of existing clothes you have

It’s important to be able to make the most of your existing wardrobe. A wardrobe edit usually helps in allowing to you piece items together that you wouldn’t have before and really helps to identify where the main gaps are in your wardrobe meaning the personal shop can be a lot more focussed and key results driven.

A major advantage is you’ll also learn and understand why certain pieces work well for you and others don’t. It will usually come down to fit, but often it is colour too. We’ll look into whether we can rectify any current issues.

I definitely don’t recommend this. Both exercises can be a good amount of time and effort and to do both properly there wouldn’t be enough time. I like to leave 3 days to 2 weeks between both sessions because this space allows good processing time after the initial edit and often brings renewed focus and ideas you’ll share with me prior to the shop.

If it’s in your wardrobe usually we can cover it time permitting, there are also a lot of accessories you might want to bring into it such as watches, ties, pocket squares, scarves, wallets, bags, sunglasses etc.

Yes, many clients have wardrobes spread over different locations. If we establish it’s worthwhile looking at them all it’s no problem. There may be a fee involved to cover the cost of travel or time in addition, but that is all.

Usually I don’t, but I can help you arrange a collection or advise on ways you can have them recycled or donated. If you have clothes you want to sell, I can also advise on this.

Online Styling

My online wardrobe allows me to send you the image of the item, a direct link to buy them and notes which will detail my suggested size for you along with any other appropriate info.
Yes, firstly and unfortunately it means I am not there to help you judge the fit of the items when trying on. It also means that sometimes you may end up ordering one item in two different sizes if there is low stock. It can be difficult to judge items online at times unless I’ve seen them in retailers.

Imagine you’re in a shop changing room and ultimately, it’s the same principle. Some items you may not like, some won’t fit properly. So by over ordering we cut the need for reorders, plus we compare a lot easier this way.



Event Styling

Ideally, you should aim for at least 2 months before your wedding date. It seems like a long time, however, things can get busy in the immediate lead-up to the wedding. You don’t want to be running around chasing things unnecessarily after this time or relying on something you need being.
available in the shops. Make sure you do a full try on 4 weeks prior to the wedding just to ensure no alterations are needed, but to leave yourself enough time just in case.

Smart Styling

If you want to invest your time into completely refreshing your look from top to toe, creating a style for yourself that makes you feel confident and that you can maintain easily and you don’t want to invest or potentially waste countless hours to get to try and get there, then smart styling is for you.

We don’t just tackle clothes either, I look at your complete annual lifestyle, holiday, events, work trips. I will also take into account all potential accessories such as bags, wallets, cufflinks and even a signature scent, which can be a massive game changer on it’s own.

This is just as a big investment into getting your time back as anything else, which many of my client’s value above everything else. Not just because I can do your clothes shopping for you, but also because you shortcut the process of knowing what looks good on, and the reasons why.

I’ll talk to you about the key reasons to set up a capsule wardrobe, what it looks like and how it save you loads of time planning out your outfits, plus you’ll have one by the end of the process.

You might also save a lot of money against poor choices of clothing in the future through lack of knowledge. We are bound to tackle some areas of style you hadn’t even thought about yet and you should come away from the process feeling refreshed and with renewed confidence and/or drive.

In an ideal world I would like to have the process (wardrobe edit, personal shop and online shop) wrapped up in one month. Momentum and is really key with this type of package and it’s great to see results quickly. You will have one outstanding seasonal shop left (spring/summer or autumn winter), which we will pencil in to complete at the beginning of our process.

It purely comes down to seasonality, during the summer months for example, you will not be able to find the best selection of coats or knitwear available and vice-versa. It’s exactly the same case online also.

Location of shopping trip does have a role to play, however, split across the two personal shops and the online shop you should be looking at £5,000 +

Outfit creation

Pulling your purchases and existing wardrobe together and creating outfits to give you a stress-free reference to the clothes that work well together. Choose outfits for face-to-face meetings, summer parties or an upcoming holiday, whatever works best for you.

Wardrobe cataloguing

Capturing all of your wardrobe on my app, labelling and categorising each piece for your reference.

Wardrobe edit

A 3-hour-long cleanse of your wardrobe. We look at what is working well for you currently clothing and accessory-wise and build towards having a functional and easy-to-maintain wardrobe that you enjoy opening daily. This is where we concentrate on restyling/reusing, repairing/altering or recycling what you currently have.

Shopping concierge

No need to leave your accommodation, I will bring my hand-picked selections across London’s best shops to you.

Personalised picks

Key capsule wardrobe pieces hand-selected for you taking into account your style, skin tone and budget.

Anytime messaging

Get your questions or queries answered via WhatsApp across the week. Not sure what to wear for an upcoming wedding or corporate event, let me help. Need a last-minute suggestion for a linen shirt, just message me.

Outfit shop

Need an out for a specific occasion, let me source every item for you and provide you with the links for each one to purchase.

Online shop

An agreed amount of items shopped for online via my wardrobe app giving you options with each item and more flexibility on your purchases. Online try-on session included.

Personal shop

A 4-hour personal shop with me within a private shopping suite* to help update your wardrobe. All purchased items will be updated and styled on my wardrobe app for your convenience.

*where available

What happens within 7 seconds of meeting someone

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Chantelle Znideric

Chantelle is an Award-Winning Personal Stylist and Shopper, with over 15 years experience. She specialises in working with ambitious female leaders and entrepreneurs, in the UK and overseas, to elevate their personal brands with success, build a capsule wardrobe with ease and rediscover their style and confidence.

Clients will learn the best colours that complement their natural colouring, to choose flattering styles for their body shape and how to shop more efficiently, which guarantees to save time and money. They will also achieve an effortlessly stylish yet functional capsule wardrobe, bursting with outfits they will love to wear! Additionally, this will have a hugely positive outcome and long-lasting results when it comes to managing their businesses and families whilst succeeding in their everyday lives.

If you feel stuck in a rut with your style and overwhelmed by your existing wardrobe, or you’re lacking in confidence with portraying a personal brand, that reflects you and your true authentic values, Chantelle would be delighted to have a chat to discuss your styling requirements.

Katy Terrashenko

Katy strongly believes that when you look good, you feel good. She has a diverse client base and loves working with busy individuals needing simple formulas to create outfits that fit impeccably and flatter their unique skin tone, body shape, lifestyle and personality. She teaches time-saving tools to shop efficiently and save money in the long run.

Specialising in Colour Analysis, Katy is passionate about teaching her clients the power of Colour Psychology and how wearing the right shades of colour will not only enhance their appearance but can also improve confidence, energy levels, productivity and communication. Katy knows first-hand how this has a hugely positive impact on confidence, mental health and overall well-being. She believes that every one of us deserves to look and feel amazing.


Katy has worked in TV, Fashion and Beauty for 15 years and is an Award-Winning Producer having worked on shows such as Bafta ‘Live from the Red Carpet’ as well as luxury brands including Chivas Regal, and designer brands Felder Felder and Styloko, plus beauty brands Josh Wood & V05. Katy retrained following her third baby, graduating with a Distinction from the London College of Style in early 2021.

Jessica Rea

Jessica is an award winning stylist that has Designed, Styled & Consulted – over 8,000 individuals. 

Her specialist field is in Millinery and she was trained by the UK’s leading milliners and designers who count the Royal Family and high-end Fashion Houses as clients.

From hats, Jessica’s skills naturally led her to successfully put together entire outfits for her clients. Being recognised for her work led Jessica to become Racing TV’s, Race Day in-house Fashion Expert and now and regular stylist on shopping channel QVC.

Jessica’s trusting approach and knowledge allows her to work with women to help them to feel confident in their clothes, uplift their image and re-discover their style from a professional woman, a mum as well as women in the Media Industry having her fashion styling looks appear across National TV such as ITV, Sky Sports, Discovery, Euro Sports to the BBC.